July 24, 2024

ADI and SageX: Transforming Unstructured Data into Actionable Intelligence

ADI and SageX: Transforming Unstructured Data into Actionable Intelligence
  1. Unstructured data is now a business priority, but leveraging it effectively requires specialized expertise in data science, engineering, and entity resolution that most companies lack.
  2. SageX and Automated Data Inc. (ADI)  have partnered to offer a comprehensive solution that automates the unstructured data lifecycle, from extraction to entity resolution, creating structured, actionable insights.
  3. This automation delivers multiple benefits, including increased efficiency, cost reduction, improved accuracy, and enhanced scalability, leading to better strategic decision-making

From PDFs to Profits: The Uphill Battle of Leveraging Unstructured Data

Businesses are ingesting, creating and sharing an unprecedented amount of data. The historic focus has been on structured (e.g., sql, xls, odbc) and semi-structured (e.g., json, xml) data, but unstructured data (e.g., pdfs, email, web pages) is now the priority. Companies want to unlock the data currently trapped in their contracts, deal agreements, reports, statements and other unstructured sources, so that critical insights from these sources can be incorporated in their business and operational workflows.

That said, working with unstructured data is a special kind of hard, especially if scale is required. Anyone that wants to leverage unstructured data in a meaningful way requires domain expertise across data science and data engineering, and a range of technologies, including Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Name Entity Recognition (NER), Language Models,  Machine Learning and more. Moreover, each unstructured use case can be sufficiently unique as to require a new or different approach.  

Entity resolution is another skill set that is required to solve the unstructured data challenge. Once the data has been extracted, standardized and transformed into structured data, entity resolution (the process of determining if two data entries actually represent the same real object ) and other data matching techniques are required in order to integrate and connect the data across internal and external sources, especially when reliable identifiers do not exist.

The reality is that most companies do not have the domain expertise across data science disciplines, data engineering and entity resolution to efficiently leverage their unstructured data. This is why SageX created a platform that materially automates the unstructured data lifecycle, creates a unified view of entities, and integrates your internal data with other third party data sources.

ADI and SageX Unite: Revolutionizing Unstructured Data Entity Resolution

In a collaborative effort, Automated Data Inc. (ADI) and SageX have partnered to provide a comprehensive solution for unstructured data entity resolution, bridging the gap between raw data and actionable insights.

SageX maximizes the economic value of unstructured data using a Data Centric approach, a smart UI and a comprehensive AI learning engine. It automates the unstructured data lifecycle with documents that vary in context, structure, formats and layouts creating ready for consumption structured data for various systems and processes.

Additionally, SageX has integrated ADI’s entity resolution engine to comprehensively understand your data, identify the best attributes to use in the matching of your data, and craft the optimal process to accurately join your data together.

The ADI engine, integrated with SageX, will provide a consistent UI and provide a seamless, end-to-end data experience:

ADI+SageX Workflow

Unlocking Value: Use Cases for Unstructured Data in Finance:

  1. Taking customer and vendor data from a variety of  KYC documents (e.g. contracts and onboarding documents) and building a single database of truth that can feed into multiple downstream systems/processes
  2. Taking fund disclosures from IRAs and other labor filings and building a fund exposure matrix across different asset classes to empower investment managers to build/scale/cross-sell fund products
  3. Taking newsletters, emails and other portfolio disclosures to build a targeted information hub and matching each of the portfolio constituents across the investment portfolio

Maximizing ROI: How ADI and SageX Automation Delivers Across-the-Board Benefits

There are several benefits businesses can achieve with their seamless automation from unstructured data all the way to creating a database of record:

  • Increased Efficiency: By eliminating manual data entry, validation and repetitive tasks, businesses achieve higher productivity and process data more efficiently. With a single automation, businesses can extract data from multiple documents, consolidate with multiple sources, and create a golden database of record, simultaneously accelerating decision-making processes and improving overall operational efficiency.
  • Cost Reduction: Automating this entire process leads to cost savings by reducing the need for large volumes of manual labor. Businesses can allocate resources more effectively and streamline operations ultimately reducing operational costs.
  • Improved Accuracy: Manual and siloed data processes are prone to significant errors. ADI+SageX fully automated journey improves accuracy by leveraging smart data centric workflows, AI, and machine learning resulting in more reliable and error-free data.
  • Enhanced Scalability: As businesses grow and data sources increase, manual and siloed processes can become overwhelming and time-consuming. This single automation journey allows for scalability, enabling businesses to handle larger volumes of data (both structured and unstructured) without sacrificing accuracy or speed.
  • Faster Technology Adoption:  Many opportunities to evolve technologically may be lost simply because existing products do not work well with manual steps or the extended timelines of manual stages. Bringing an end-to-end automation workflow removes these limitations and gives control back to technology teams.
  • Governance and Regulatory Requirements: Automation helps businesses meet governance and regulatory requirements by accurately capturing and managing data - regardless of its origin. It ensures adherence to data privacy laws, audit trails, and data security standards, reducing the risk of non-compliances.
  • Improved User & Customer Experience: With a single automation path, businesses can process varied data more efficiently. This leads to faster response times, reduced customer wait times, and an overall improved customer experience.
  • Strategic Insights and Decision-making: Automated ADI+SageX processes provide businesses with access to accurate, structured and mapped data. This data can be further analyzed leading to actionable insights, informed decision-making, and the ability to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for business growth.

In today’s data-driven world, unlocking the value hidden in unstructured data is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity and crucial for success. The SageX and ADI partnership offers a powerful solution to this challenge, automating the unstructured data lifecycle and providing structured, actionable insights. By leveraging this technology, companies can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and scale operations across various sectors.

Don’t let valuable data remain untapped – contact ADI today to discover how our integrated solution can transform your data management and drive your business forward.

This content was created and distributed in partnership with SageX.